7 Reasons We Feel Lucky

St. Patrick's day is this week, so it seems like a good time to think about LUCK.

It's easy to focus on all of the things we are trying to accomplish, or could be doing better, but I like to maintain an Attitude of Gratitude... it helps me to stay positive and grounded when things start to fly out of control (which is...a lot!)

So this week I'm going to share my gratitude with you...and I hope you will take a minute every day to think about the little (and not-so-little) things that you are grateful for!

7 Reasons We Feel Lucky

  1. We have the MOST beautiful sunrises and sunsets here at the farm. A stunning display every day, always different, but always worthy of note. And in between sunrise and sunset this place is quiet and peaceful.

  2. We have enough. Food, clothing, shelter, love, friendship, purpose...

  3. We have each other. Not many people would take on this crazy life we are living together. But in each other we have found the perfect partner to balance the madness and the goodness of farming. Living and working together isn't for every couple, but we feel so fortunate to share this journey.

  4. Every day we watch our menagerie of chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, goats, pigs, resident vultures and assorted other wildlife do something that makes us stop and smile, laugh, or shake our heads in complete confusion. It's occasionally maddening or saddening, but mostly it's DELIGHTFUL, and we feel lucky to experience all of it, even the bad stuff, because we are richer for the ever-changing experience of how the natural world works.

  5. We are lucky to eat REALLY WELL! Brian is a fabulous cook and we are so fortunate to be able to grow our food, and to buy good food from other farmers that grow things we do not.

  6. We are lucky to live in a place that gets dark enough at night to experience the full brilliance of the moon and stars, revel in the songs of frogs in springtime, watch the blinking of thousands of lightening bugs in summertime and listen to the honking of geese in winter time.

  7. We are lucky for YOU! Being part of a community that appreciates and supports local farmers means the world to us! So in the spirit of St. Patty's day, a toast to you....

May your table always be filled with the bounty of farmers near to you... May you cook it with care and enjoy it with family and friends that are dear to you!


Jennifer & Brian

P.S. Only 8 shares remain in our Veggie CSA! If you're lucky....maybe one will be yours?! Click the button to learn more and sign up: