Welcome to our Farm!


Brian and I are very excited to launch our website and blog!  It's been a long spring and summer of hard work getting infrastructure in place to bring broiler chickens and pigs onto the farm.  I never realized when I decided to become a farmer, that I was really signing up to be a construction worker!  So many times, as weird, interesting and amazing things happen around this farm, we have said to each other: "we really ought to have a blog!"  And then we would laugh because, as every farmer knows, all 24 hours of each day are currently spoken for!  But, the universe always provides, and yesterday I sat my fanny down and 7 hours later: a website was born!  Let me introduce you to the team:


Where Pigs Fly is home to 4 Ossabaw Island Hogs: Dixie, Peaches, Penelope and Lucille.  They are 7 months old, and when they are old enough, we will breed them and raise their piglets for meat.  


We have 200 Red Sexlink laying hens, which provide delicious brown eggs!  Red Sexlink chickens are known to be very reliable layers, averaging one egg per day.  


Our Fancy Flock of 27 young hens and 2 roosters contains several different breeds, including Ameraucanas, Orpingtons, French Marans, Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Brahmas and Crested Cream Legbars.  They are all beautiful birds and we are waiting patiently for them to start laying a rainbow of colored eggs!  


Currently, 248 broiler chickens are grazing out on pasture and another 124 chicks are cheep-cheep-cheeping in our brooder.  We raise our broiler chickens from day-old chicks until they are 11-12 weeks old.  By that age they are 4 -6 lbs and ready to become roaster chickens.  We process our chickens here on the farm, not in a scary factory.  They have a good life here, and we make sure their last five minutes are as free from trauma and pain as possible.  


Where Pigs Fly Farm is also home to the Eco-Goats (google them, they're famous!)  Our herd is made up of 13 Nubians, 1 Boer, 1 Pygmy and her 3 Pygmy-Nubian kids (we are still in amazement over how that could happen!)  When they're not out on the road, they keep the invasive vegetation under control here on the farm.

We hope you will enjoy reading about our farm and the life we are building here.  Most of all, we hope you will learn new things about where your food comes from, and gain an appreciation for local regeneratively farmed food!  Please join us for the ride!

